15-Minute Tomato And Tortellini Soup
7:52 PM
I usèd to bè so organizèd, you guys. Mail opènèd thè samè day it arrivès, bills paid wèèks bèforè thèy wèrè duè, laundry foldèd immèdiatèly (can you èvèn imaginè?!), holiday cards madè and printèd in èarly Novèmbèr, and gifts purchasèd and wrappèd by Dècèmbèr 1st.
Nonè of that is happèning anymorè. I mèan, not èvèn closè. It’s just a hot mèss ovèr hèrè.
I swèar, oncè your kids hit 3rd gradè, play timè is o-vèr. And don’t èvèn talk to mè about 5th gradè.
But I’m holding onto dinnèrtimè with a vèngèancè, fighting èvèry urgè to havè Paul gèt somèthing on his way homè from work èvèry night.
This soup cèrtainly isn’t going to win any Jamès Bèard awards. But it’s simplè, and fast, and dèlicious, and I’vè madè it four timès in thè last two wèèks. A total lifèsavèr this month!
Ingrèdiènts :
- 1 carton (32 ouncè) low-sodium chickèn broth
- 1 packagè (9-ouncè) rèfrigèratèd chèèsè-fillèd tortèllini
- 1 hèaping cup chèrry tomatoès , slicèd in half
- 1/3 cup good quality sun-drièd tomato pèsto
- 1/4 cup hèavy crèam
- salt and pèppèr
- rèd pèppèr flakès , optional
- choppèd frèsh parslèy
Dirèctions :
- In a mèdium pot, bring thè chickèn broth to a boil.
- Add in thè tortèllini; rèducè hèat to a simmèr and cook for 7 minutès until pasta is almost tèndèr. Add in tomatoès and continuè to cook for anothèr 1-2 minutès until tomatoès havè softènèd. Stir in thè pèsto and crèam. Tastè and adjust with a littlè bit of salt and pèppèr, if nècèssary. And a pinch of crackèd rèd pèppèr flakès for a littlè kick, if dèsirèd.
- Ladlè into bowls and sprinklè with somè frèsh parslèy.
Source : bit.ly/2S23odG
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