Pamelas Most Addicting Caramel Corn

2:13 AM

I love caramel corn.  I became addicted to it when my BF’s mom made us up a batch years ago, and I haven’t stopped eating it since.  Thanks Pam, I owe those extra pounds all to you! Smile

Here’s what you need:

6 quarts of popped corn  (I fill my air popper twice…about two large bowls worth)
1 cup butter
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. soda
2 cups packed brown sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla


In heavy saucepan, melt butter.  Stir in sugar, corn syrup and salt; bring to a boil, stirring constantly.  Boil for about five minutes.  Remove from heat and stir in soda and vanilla.  (Keep stirring after this till you see it foam up and “grow”.)  Then gradually pour over popped corn.  (I pour it over the popcorn while the popcorn is IN the bowls.)  Mix it up to coat the popcorn.  Put the popcorn in two turkey roaster, or shallow baking pans that have been buttered.  Bake 1 hour in a 250 oven, stirring every 15 minutes.  Cool completely.  Break apart.


You can order cute labels like this from Good Gravy Designs.

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